451 Peek Street Schenectady, NY 12308 | 518.346.8266 CLICK HERE FOR BRENNAN LANDSCAPING SPRING-FALL SERVICES

Ice Slayer Liquid


ICE SLAYER liquid works as low as  -5°F.

Pre-treating with ICE SLAYER liquid is more effective than using regular rock salt and is more cost-effective; it can be applied days in advance and will stay in place with no loss from bounce or traffic, and will activate when the Photo Jan 12, 10 49 18 AMstorm arrives to keep snow & ice from bonding to the pavement. Pre-treating with ICE SLAYER allows your pavement to remain free of snow & ice down to -5°F, much better than plain salt brine, and immensely more effective than regular rock salt.

To minimize slips & falls, and to maintain wet pavement prior to a heavy storm, pre-treating is a must. Once the ice is down, the situation will be more dangerous and more costly to eliminate.

If applied just before a winter storm, ICE SLAYER will begin working as soon as the first snowflake falls and will help delay the accumulation of snow and ice on the pavement.



* For Anti-Icing & Deicing Applications

* Working temperature of -5 degrees

* Less Corrosive than standard brine

* Enhanced brine stays where needed

* Reduced application rates of Ice Slayer Enhanced Brine          25-40 Gallons per acre

Available in bulk, 5 Gallon Bucket, 55 Gallon Drum & 275 Gallon Totes